

Monday, February 6, 2012

And now you know..............

Back in the 1920s, Walter Knott and his family sold berries...... berry plants and pies..... from a roadside-stand. Photo Circa (1920)


38 years later, my Mom and Dad would take us kids down to Knott's Berry Farm for a day.....  the old ghost town there was way too cool.......and then perhaps a chicken dinner at the famous dinner house. That was only 48 years ago......!

Us kids would ride the stage coaches with robbers and Indians chasing the coach. Seemed real. We "talked" to Sad Eye Joe........some old guy that was in a jail...and he knew the names of out teachers, dogs and what we had for dinner last night. We never knew how he did that. Big mystery. Sad Eye Joe still sits in that jail on this day. Wow....great times to remember...

And now you know ......why I just love having a Boysenberry patch...and a farm...it's so much of the past with me.

Here's the start of our boysenberry fields. In the ground for two years now. Last week I divided up the plants......we have now doubled the number of plants. Our aim is to have 4000 linear feet of boysenberries by 2014.

We'll be offering Sad Eye Joe a job over here.