

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to lay PVC pipe twice!

 In the first year.....800 linear feet of water line was laid. Hand trenched. Thinking I had the game well planned.......1 1/4 PVC heavy gauged pipe........ using a primer before gluing the joints, and a top notch commercial grade glue called Wet N Seal. One can use this glue in wet conditions and still have a good bonding. Presto....... and the line was done.

Then the breaks came!

 The glued joints were falling apart within a year......and I am the Certified Landscaper that installed this mess?! All last year....the breaks kept happening. I went on line to see if there was a recall for the glue...nope. I know I did the piping properly. Off to Home Depot where I personally know everyone at the Pro Desk (service for contractors)...taking a piece of this pipe that contained a glue joint.

 "......Oh yeah...bad batch...I remember that" says Pro Help David. The results of this finding: more hand trenching :-(  

 It's a good idea to walk your fields each day...looking for broken pipes and many other issues. I know one break must had be going on for several days. Our electric bill for the well pump....electrified me!