

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pop tarts for dogs

All the animals at the Natomas Farm has a function to earn their keep. No lazy critters allowed.

Moles! We have moles! From the day we acquired this piece of dirt.....I noticed all the moles at work. There must had been thousands of mole hills. These little nuances will eat the tree roots...and zap the veggie garden if left unabated. Just another issue to add to my mile long list of "to do's".

Sparky was out running around in the fields with me one day....and she went nutz on a mole hill. Apparently she saw the critter pop it's head out of the hill.....and that was the beginning of the end for my little nuance critters. Shadow caught onto this game of "hunt" that Sparky was doing....soon the two dogs were happily earning their keep. Madly digging .....and digging .....and digging.....deeper and deeper and deeper....... till the "end game". Tails wag. Moles weep. Just like Pop Tarts, yummy.

Then the puppies were born. Doomsday had arrived for the Moles. Adios Mr Mole....Hasta La Vista baby! You can see the dirty paws these dogs get, from coming in on their daily hunts.

 Oh.....did I tell you about the huge holes the dogs leave?