

Thursday, March 22, 2012

We were away for a while

We are back from our Baja vacation. Lots of fishing and good eats.

My brother watched our farm......he worked our farm I should say. Sometimes brothers are good to have around, I suppose. He in 8 days time......stacked five cords of wood, spread out 20 some cubic yards of wood  chips into the chicken coop/barn/roadways and the upper arena. Removed a 10 cubic pile of brush clippings, tilled the soil for this year's family corn plot, fixed a major water line break, and labored a host of other projects around the farm! Oh...did I say that the house was so clean...we are sure that he hired out a maid service or had our Mother over here!

The five dogs......looked more like five fat walruses. Hell...the dogs were having a hard time running up to us when we pulled into the driveway from Baja. Perhaps I should say that the dogs slugged and wallowed up the driveway to greet us!They miss that babysitter that gave them the best care.....best food...and the best T.V. shows to watch. What...you are asking..... what I am talking about? My brother had to lock out the dogs from the bedroom he was sleeping in.....for they all wanted their spots to sleep. Whining and such .....the poor little doggies... turned on the T.V. all night for them. Gods, what whoosh my brother is....just like I am!

Fact is...all the animals were in better condition than they were when we left. There was no work for me during the first week home from our Baja vacation.....since it was ALL was done.

Thank you big brother.......and I want to go on more Baja vacations.....each month!

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