

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sorry...you can't smoke this grass

Horses love grass. Green grass. Farmers love ice cream. Chocolate ice cream.

Too much green grass will give you a fat horse.......although dry grass does indeed contain far more oils! The house will simply eat much more tastier green stuff. Now don't ask why I am fat! The entire farm was redesigned with it's fencing layout, this past five months......for maximum grass production and management.  Nothing beats having to redo everything two...three times! I was telling my neighbor Dan last week,  how I have had to change, make better...redesign...............stuff here on the farm. He chuckled. Dan said it takes him about four tries, to get a idea right!

The idea of having so many pastures is so we don't ruin the soil, with over grazing by the horses. We did this in our first year here....and that field still will not grow natural grass. The rains finally have come and gone.......and it's looking very good out there. Our pastures (includes the fruit orchards) now are tall with fresh green grass......... the five dogs "disappear" in the fields. This tells me.....scientifically....our grass is two feet in height :-)

I do not see a need to buy bales of hay this year, even with five horses. A bale is currently $22.00 apiece. Ouch! At those prices.....there would be no money for my ice cream,

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