Sunday, September 23, 2012

Are we creating Frankenstein chicks?

 At first would think we have set up an some sort of Frankenstein chick hatchery! This tank looks so strange with all of the electric wires and such. In reality......I am recycling an old water trough that had rusted thru at the bottom. Most folks would had thrown this "junk" out. Farmer Deno had other thoughts.
 Our second batch of chicks came in yesterday. These chicks are only a few weeks old, and need additional protection from the environments. Steel encased coop with water, feed and's perfect!
  These 14 day old chicks are covered in soft down ...then to fully feathered chickens in four to six weeks. They can start laying eggs at about 4 to 6 months old and lay for 3 or 4 years depending on breed. The chicken usually lives for about 6 to 8 years.......unless a cat shortens that life expectancy.
 The Natomas Farm is gearing up to cater to a select list of clients for egg sales coming this late winter. We have the best tasting eggs in Sacramento County.......due to the free range practices. We use no chemicals..... at all.