

Friday, September 7, 2012

“......would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?”

It's apparent that the little critters (a.k.a. rats !).....are very hungry in our cozy garage. Living on a farm....always something new and exciting to find!
 Jeanette is currently in Germany with her good friend Rachael......visiting her Mother and mostly taking a few weeks of earned vacation. Oops....she left her fancy sports here.....and after cruising all night...... sure enough I left the car lights on. Dead battery the next morning. I wont tell her anything about this.
 Good neighbor Adam came over and gave me a hand. After popping open the hood, he asked to to take a look at the engine. Chew marks, a.k.a. dinner marks! Yes.....we have been hosting the rats to fine dining. it's a good thing I left the lights on....or those rats would had done some serious damage.
 Tonight.....the rats will feast on Rodenticide.......oh yummy.

A little research from the web to share with you:
Warm engines on a cold night invite mice and rats.

They need to chew to keep their teeth from growing too long.
Avoid the problem
Park the car in a garage or on concrete.

Park away from vegetation, brush, trees, lawns etc .
Open the hood so the engine cools faster.


It's fun living on a farm!

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