Sunday, October 7, 2012

California Homemade Food Act is signed.

Great news for sellers of honey, jams, bakeries, and many other goodies that is made on the small farms of California. Before this, it was necessary to prepare at a costly commercial kitchen.

Here's an excerpt from the Sustainable Economies Law Center:

 Cottage food laws, sometimes referred to as “baker’s bills,” are laws that allow people to make certain foods in their own home kitchen and then sell them on a small scale, typically directly to consumers and at farmer’s markets. Cottage food laws allow individuals who are interested in starting their own food business get started developing a customer base and raising some of the money required to further develop their business. Removing the significant financial and logistical barrier of having a commercial kitchen makes starting one’s own food business more accessible and more feasible for a greater number of people. It also gives consumers more access to a greater variety of home-cooked, artisan and other unique foods at their farmers’ market or right in their neighborhood.