Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Deno....... do you have any more woo"?

 A few week ago, I had a good friend staying with us here at the farm. Burt. He's an import from Australia......that moved to Baja, our neighbor down there. Sporting an accent that is "down under", he is a little difficult for Farmer Deno to understand him at times.....especially since I am hard of hearing. What a combination to drive me crazy!
 So Burt and I wondered into the local "European Market" to buy cheeses, bread and some other really great stuff that simply don't exist at the local Safeway. Another friend was there, Victor, an Russian neighbor of ours that lives down the street from our farm. He too....has a very thick accent and all the personality of a Russian. His wife and their 7 children have relatives living across the street from them. I often give them veggies and stuff help out a little.
 "Deno....... do you have any more woo?"....asked Victor. Any what? Woo. What? Victor is now emphasizing his voice..... "I ask if you have any woo? Again....I said hun?
 Now my good friend Burt is trying to translate to me with HIS accent......."Deno...he is asking if you have any more woo" !!!! What Burt? "....Deno...woo! Woo! Do you have any more woo"? Now I got two emphasizing foreigners at each side of me........"woo....wooo..wooooo"!!!!
 Holly smokes....I got two foreigners talking to a damn near deaf guy.....and it's all about "woo"! Then it clicked what the hell these two guys were trying to communicate to me about. For the last few years....I give some of our "woo" to the Russian family to help them keep a bit warmer.
 It's wood, not woo. Wood!