

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Legged power drills!

Nasty little critter those beetles were, chew chew and still more chew. No let up. The Weeping Willow trees last year got infected with the black beetle, I believe from some firewood that was delivered by out mulch vendor. It wasn't long before the trees took a sickly appearance. Worst...I found one of the Pluot trees had holes in it. Panic time had arrived.
 I have seen these bugs go to work. Many trees in Sacramento County are infected....mainly the Birch trees. Spraying and such...does not work to rid the pest. After a little research....and a lot of conversation.....here's how you get rid of these beetles: In a 5 gallon bucket, add 1 cup of Bayer Advance to 5 gallons of water. Pour the solution, three feet away from the tree's trunk, in an circular pattern....into the ground. Repeat the process three times, two weeks apart.
  It took about 90 days for a complete kill. The trees are vibrant with color.