

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Watching the neighbors

 Sitting areas are important on our farm. I have four locations (so far) on the hill top. This simple setting I just created, is really for three special reasons to have it there.
 Every night, right pass sundown a few minutes......we have a family of Owls that will fly their unaltered repetitive path directly over the red chairs. Four years now....and still more to go I suppose. Sometimes they fly twenty feet overhead....other times about fifty feet. There are several old barns a few blocks away...and that is where they come from. I counted nine of these birds one night......a few were the size of a basketball. Life on a farm has it's perks, if you look for them :-)
 The second reason for the sitting area is that I can watch the dogs in the field, after the chickens are let out of their coop. I don't dare let the dogs roam the farm unattended while the chickens are out.....too many harsh lessons learned. Now the cold of the nights has arrived, I'll start having an fire in the pit.....teaching the three young dogs to stay at my side as if we were camping. Good lessons to learn because someday the three will be traveling the Baja road with me......and I'll need them to stay near the camps.
 Lastly.....we love to spy on our neighbors! I can see Renee cooking in her kitchen (pot roast last night) and Mark watching the ball game on that big screen (his team lost).

Now......I'll bust out this listening device I bought from the spy store last week......