

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why buy a Natomas Farm egg?

 Most people probably really cannot believe that the color of the egg yolk is not only dramatically affected by the diet of the chicken which is an omnivore,  the darker that egg yolk is in color, the more nutritious that egg is too. Pastured chickens running free, absorbing the rays from the sun, and eating a full spectrum omnivore diet, produce a more brightly colored orange egg yolk. That egg on the right is pale from having a diet of managed grains and/or animal protein pellets (feed made from "departed" animals) .........plus being stuck in a cage 24/7 does not make a good egg .....much less a happy chicken.
 What the heck is an omnivore? It is a sort of animal that eats other animals or plants. In this case......chickens here at the Natomas Farm keeps the insects under control. Free range chickens that get to select or scavenge around for their foods consume grass that contains carotenoids and thus a yolk with more coloring. This extra nutrition taken in from the chicken eating the fresh growing grass transfers through the chicken and into the egg.
  We are investing in creating a much larger chicken population for egg production. Yesterday I release 30 chicks onto the yard with their cousins. Today we bought another batch of chicks. By mid Spring.....we will be producing about 280 dozen brown eggs.

Once you tried our eggs....you'll never go back to the store bought!