Sunday, November 25, 2012

At least the chicks are safe now.....

 I'm halfway done with the new chicken coop. Because of the hawks.....I went ahead and built the protective yard area, and placed all 50 of the young chicks in the coop.... with access to the "yard cage". There is indeed a wire overhang too. This is not the main chicken yard...that will be built in a month, to left of the "yard cage". Yes.....that darn hawk has flown over this new yard..... several times already. No casualties.
 Fact is...I built this yard in such a way to prevent any sort of negative issues in the future. May I thank the following animals for teaching me how to build a "Super Max" for my chicks:
  • Those flying ace hawks.
  • Fence climbing skunks.
  • Our five lovely dogs: Sparky~Shadow~Lucky~Black~ Number Four
  • Opossum, which are often called possums.
  • Cats of the neighborhood.
  •  Tip toeing coyotes that cruise our creek each night.