

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Deal of the day...........

 I stopped looking at the "buy" ads over there at Craigslist.org over a year ago. Probably longer than that. Proclamations by posters were hitting the Fairy Tale levels. ".......Great condition" ".....It's still here" ".....Works perfectly". Yeah righto! The last ad I responded to was for an item that was located 25 miles from home. Upon my arrival......I realized that I just wasted a quarter tank of gas....and about two hours of my precious little life. As it is said in Baja......"No Mas"!
 There's a lot of new construction projects slated for the Natomas Farm and the cost of material has sky rocketed.......at warp speed....these past two years. Farmer Deno decided to take a peek at the "not so loved"  Craigslist.org once again.
 An ad for Bamboo stakes. 50 pieces for $5.00  To good to be true. I went to the website offered in this ad...and it was indeed on their webpage. 5o pieces for five bucks? Yeah righto! Let the vicious cycle begin ....off I go to gather a bargain.....and I was thinking "wasted a quarter tank of gas....and about two hours of my precious little life".
 I arrived at a place called Builder's Surplus. Nice joint from the outside. Once inside.....I am greeted with a "real" hello from a lady at the counter. All smiles she is...and had all the answers to my questions. Extremely helpful. It's certainly not the stuffy Home Depot here!
 Yes.....yes.....and yes. Bamboo. Bamboo......... and more bamboo out back. In fact.....their warehouse is full of construction materials. Tons of stuff. But I want that bamboo. It's perfect for farm uses......staking the berries, holding up fruit bearing tree limbs, using as a post to "tent" the Blood Orange trees during the frost........a million uses. The lady at the counter turned out to be the owner, Jaci. She simply said.....fill your truck up for fifty bucks! As it is said in Baja......"Fantastico". I got at least a thousand pieces of bamboo for $50.00
 I strongly suggest that if you are looking for great deals on building materials......go to the smiling lady's place..... Builder's Surplus at 6043 Power Inn Road in Sacramento. 916.369.1846 Ask for Jaci.

 I just love Craigslist.org! Yeah righto.....for now.