Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hawks - 4 ........ Humans - 0

 There is one hawk who likes to fly in a blazing red airplane and grab one chicken after another. His achievements has made him both a hero and a propaganda tool for the hawk community. With 4 credited victories, Mr Hawk, the "Red Hawk Baron"....... defied the odds and became a legend in the air........this past week.
 We lost four chickens to this guy just last week. Never been an issue with the hawks here at the farm. Now that I take notice of the "Red Hawk Baron".....I see him sitting on top of the street lamp or power poles a block away.....watching me! How do I know that he is watching me? I had changed my work scheduled tasks, to work near the chicken that I could babysit the chickens after the first two kills. That stopped the kills.....till I went down to the feed store for twenty minutes the other day. Two more kills.

 Oh yeah.....he is watching me!

Yesterday I built an "safe yard" for the chicks. It has an overhead wire screen protection. New entrance added to this protection yard too.