

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A little comfort .....helps a lot!

It's very important to have an outside area to relax......just as it is to have a home that is fully upgraded for comfort.....for farm living. Long working hours requires a place of comfort and good rest...if you want to have full energy to start another new day. If you just bought a Farmstead, I strongly suggest you install the comforts of life before you start building a farm!
 I have a family member that bought a piece of the Mendocino coastal range to start a farm. The house was so old.....there was no heating or a.c., the windows had "gaps" of two inches between the frames (I could look outside thru the gaps from the sofa!), the wood burning stove was clogged with creosote from burning wet wood, unorganized shop areas....the list goes on. I remember it being so cold in that house....that at the dinner table, we all had fog vapor emitting from our mouths as we talked!
 Just a glace at the family's outdoor area. Four years ago these areas were dusty bare ground.....only a Elm tree existed. The house has been organized and updated with the needs of comfort. All out buildings are well organized also.
 We decided not to get a hot tub for our aching joints of the day's labor......it would had been a matter of time before this dog would invite her four sisters to join.