

Saturday, November 10, 2012

We're mad as hell and wont take it anymore...

 The chickens were pecking mad as hell when I was poking fun at that steel tank that they grew up in .....from reading that post that was written last month. I decided to create a new hatchery for the young ladies....to avoid any further violent civil unrest at the chicken coop.

 I came across a bunch of wooded crates from......you guess it.......Craigslist.org . The shape of these crates were perfect for a few projects that I have on the drawing board.

 This unit I built breaks into two containment boxes. Interior feeder and a passage tunnel to each box was installed. I also have a plastic liner on the bottom of each unit. Each box weighs less than 15 pounds.

 My idea was to create a incubator and a carrying cage tied into one unit. I'll take only one side to the farm supply store......to load the chicks in, and then transport back to the farm. At this point, I'll attach the second box. Once the chicks are large enough to transferred to the coop.....I'll just place the entire box into the coop, minus the top cover. This will give the chicks time to adapt to their new environment. Again.....no handling required of trying to catch the chicks, then releasing them into the coop.

Any further civil unrest at the coop...................