

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"We're ready........bring in that next test chicken.'

 Nopales a la carte! This plate of yummy stuff is actually a experiment I am doing here at the Natomas Farm. Nopales is just a fancy name for cactus leaf, and we have a ton of the stuff. I have several ideas for the Nopale crop....there are many uses such as pickled, grilled, cattle feed.....and there are claims that it is used as chicken feed.
 Not my chickens...no way! I took out a bucket of chopped nopales....it's still out there on the ground......even our pot belly pigs took one look at that pile of greens and gave out a snooty snort.
 Cuisinart .....the magical tool of farmers! I shredded three Nopales today into what looked like grass clippings....and served it up. All three pounds of it. This winter I will buy or build, a large shredder to process three or four hundred pounds each month. Yes.....our thorn-less cactus grows at a astounding speed.