Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The geeky weatherman said 4.5 inches of rain...

This past week we had quite the storm.....but nothing as they were predicting. "Floods". "Be prepare". "Epic". "Find Noah for a spot".
  I seen way worst here in the prior years. It did rain...real good though. The barn sprang a leak, the new coop had wet floors, the pig pen got flooded out.....and the dogs tracked in mud. Let's add that we have a little lake out there in the field. I prepared the farm for the high gusty winds that were in the forecast....but I did not check for leak and "flood out" issues. A mistake learned and not to be repeated by me. Looking at wet young chicks in that coop just torn my heart out. Yes......I haven't a space heater anymore here my office.
 Just how much did it rain here at the Natomas Farm? Well.....maybe someone can tell that geeky weatherman ....who said 4.5 inches of rain came down.....can explain to me why that kid's pool behind him had nearly seven inches of water in it!

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