

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What happens to retired riding mowers.......

 Here's my great neighbor Dan. He makes all sorts of racket over there in that big ol shop of his...all day long. Bang band and pound pound it goes on...and on.
 He is the best handy dandy I have ever known (excuse the pun). Fixes anything that is mechanical. I seen him "working on this old rider lawn mower a few weeks ago...it was up on the bench.....getting the ol "handy dandy" done to it, by Dan ....so I thought. A little oil change...perhaps a new spark plug.
 What came out of "handy dandy's" work shop was this contraption....he tricked it out....... to a three wheel biker's lawn mowing machine! I must say that I had to look twice at this reborn mower. My only thought was.......and still is...........way too cool handy dandy Dan!

I'll bring my riding mower over next week....

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