Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Handy Dandy is at it again!

 Now I have seen everything. I must still be a greenhorn farmer.....because I have never imagine a log splitter on a 3 point tractor. Here's another hand made item that good neighbor Dan has come up with.....and decided to help out my brother Gary, splitting the fire wood for me.
 I know, I know.....a handful of posts ago.....I said that we just got finished splitting enough wood for the winter. Well...... I was confined to to the house for about four weeks, due to my I.C.U. vacation. Our wood burning heater went 24/7. Thanks to my cool brother Gary......he was keeping the wood bin full for me, Jeanette...and the Sparky Dog :-)

 Thank you Gary!

 Now Dan comes over with this log splitter today and these two lumberjacks knocked out a easy cord and a half for me.  It occurred to me.....that perhaps I should get sick right before each winter, from here on out.....!
 I am now just getting about 70% of my strength back, after 5-6 weeks of recuperation. I have been working the farm for the last two weeks....but only slow and easy. Nothing is worst than being unable to work.....a waste of precious time.
 Farmer Deno hopes that you, the small farmer here..... learned a lesson from my postings here. If you are going to start a small farm, be prepared for major bumps! Make sure that you have family or friends to manage your farm while you are dealing with a mega sickness or injury. If you won t make it. Thanks to Jeanette, Gary, son Jason and his brother Nicky.......his sister Starr.......this farm would had been in trouble.