

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We need no more deliverers today...

 One of the going construction sites here at the farm is to build up the far south east corner, for a elevated platform to place the bee colonies. We had the first truck load of dirt (actually, it's mud) arrive.......they underestimate the hardness of the dirt access road. Stuck and not going anywhere. I just figured that the driver would call a commercial tow service.

 Is this a sign of what the New Year..... is to bring?  :-)

 Hold on...this story isn't finished telling! The big Boss showed up with his truck to pull out the first stuck rig. So now.....his truck is slipping and sliding all over the dirt road. I told him to hire a tow truck to use their  cable pulley to retrieve the first stuck rig.......and then I proceeded back up to the house area.
 Now the second truck is buried into the mud! Out again I go and he said "don't worry, I got a third truck coming"!


 After convincing this idiot that's not going to happen.....he finally did the right thing.....he had a tow truck pull them out.
 I canceled my NetFlex "The Three Stooges".... movie for the night......having watch a better comedy this afternoon, I need no more laughs for the day.