Monday, February 11, 2013

Boysenberries más maravilloso!

 A little late to be dividing the stock boysenberries to create new plants......buds on the plants are already formed.....bout to pop in a week. Nature has done her twists and turns this year with all of the Natomas Farm's fruits. While we are getting early buds.....we are getting frost all week. I'm curious to see what the final yields will be this June...on forward.
 This week I am cleaning out the dead canes (vines) and splitting up the larger plants to expand the berry patch. There are areas to be filled in where the raspberries and blackberries used to be. Those berries were taken out due to the unsatisfactory results. The raspberries had a zillion wonder they are expensive at the stores.

Off I go to do my berry task......while the nearby field birds chirp away ....good news to each other.