

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Making handcuffs for the field workers.....

 Here's another good reason why you should save materials. The metal fabricated ring on the left is from an chain link fence that I torn down from the street side four years ago. The fence parts were saved.....the link fencing went off to a local scrape metal collector that lives in the neighborhood......helps him out a lot.
 Yes....by saving everything,  you really need a good size barn or a storage shed of some sort. Our storage room is already maxed out.....and I have invaded the garage for storage of material and parts. Not good.....but that issue will be resolve this coming year. The upper level of our barn is bout to be re floored with a new staircase to be installed......giving the farm  400 additional square feet of dry storage.

 Now about these parts above (finale to the topic!).

 Farmer Deno built a structure out by the round pen......it's a simple 16 x 16 shade overhang for the summer, gives the horses a retreat from blaring heat of the day. The weather gets up to 108f during late August.
 The structure because of it's height.....no walls.....the shade structure was a doing little wobbling. Instead of driving a round trip of 14 miles to the local Home Depot....spending an hour and a half of my precious life.....getting some cross brackets for my structure.....I manufactured them on on location. I merely took the chain link fence pipe rings, hammered them out straight.....then drilled screw holes at each end. Applied to the corners of the structure. All done in one hour.

 Recycling......makes sense on a farm.