

Friday, February 1, 2013

"....Yeehaw....it's round em up days"

 These are the chicks that we bought right before the start of winter....minus 11 due to the hawks, a few died naturally, and then a few got smothered. In the extreme cold.....chicks will "dog pile" on each other, a few will suffocate.......this happened one night because I forgot to turn on the coop's heater. 
 I won't ever buy chicks again right before winter. They got wet, the coop was leaking water onto the floor, trying to feed them in the rain......no no no....not ever again.
 This past week I got the one of the original coops upgraded for this winterized bunch. I used plastic milk containers for the nesting boxes, that will make it a whiz to keep clean. Added an separate yard for them too......til the get used to the "big ladies" that are residing nearby. This weekend, the big "round em up" happens.
 I am expecting egg sales to start in April. How many eggs will my hens lay? On the average, 3 hens will give me 2 eggs a day. Expected monthly output is 210 dozens. We will be doubling the flock at the end of April.