Thursday, February 7, 2013

You are such a Cootamundra Wattle!

 The frontage road beatification project has I have decided to create an stretch of Marysville Boulevard into an real eye spruce up the neighborhood. We have had several new neighbors that have moved on the this road out here......that have taken great pains to beautify their properties. Have you ever seen an used "garage door" fence? We did...for three years each day as we left our driveway. There are new homeowners now.....and the first thing they did was to order up 14 - 30 cubic yard dumpsters.......the garage doors were the first go....hasta la vista baby!
  The Natomas Farm has just finished planting the last section of the road with Cootamundra Wattle aka Acacia Baileyana. Be my guest to attempt to pronounce these fancy words :-) Several old almond trees have been removed, and one more is in progress. I'll clean off whatever debris that is on the embankment.........start using weed control methods. 
  After all this is done....the berry patch will be redesigned with a better access "swoop in and swoop out" road, planting of more peach trees, adding another roll, or two, of be finished off with a small fruit stand and white fence. 
  The Natomas Farm will be posting with the progress of this area.