

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Crudités will be coming soon to your table!


  Well if you have been following the Natomas Farm Blog, you will remember the several postings of our "test" tree....the Mexicola avocado. Back a year ago.....one tree was planted during the Spring. The test was to see how well this variety does with the hot summers and the cold nights of the Sacramento Valley. Last summer it was 100f plus for a total of 22 days. There was 37 nights of frost from the low 23f.....averaging 30f. It did surprisingly excellent.......though the tree didn't like the horses gnawing on it. Lost 30% of the tree last Fall by this hungry action.

 Humans have named the Avocado....... "The fruit of paradise". The horses have named it "The Yummy Tree"!

 We bought the Mexican variety Mexicola...... Mexican variety of avocados are the hardiest and bear fruit with smoother, thinner shiny green skin. Once the tree develops enough foliage and good root structure (2-3 years)..... it will shade its self, so any shading should only be temporary, either by the ability for the plant to grow to the sun or something that can be removed. Once established, you avocado tree will need sun in order to flower and fruit. We have just bought more trees to install on the farm. 

 The fruit have a nutty, almost almond taste to them. Slice them in half and serve with a tray of Crudités or chop them and add to the tomato salad I described above. Look for fruit with smooth shiny skin and that are firm but give a little when you touch them.  

So what is a "Crudités" ...... traditional French appetizers comprising sliced or whole raw vegetables which are sometimes dipped in a vinaigrette or other dipping sauce. I had to look that up :-)