Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Definition of farmer: jack of all trades

 It's not all about plowing and watching the crops grow tall....there is so much more than that to being a farmer. Newbie farmers will quickly learn to aquire the skills of tradespersons.....such as the contractor....plumber....mechanic....and the worst of all skills to learn real fast: appliance repairman.....is part of the daily chores of farm life.

 My dirty laundry basket is full and that's a bad sign of what's to come: a trip to the Laundromat. Oh I hate those evil places where the dollar changers never works and the washers are always in use by other folks.

 I don't know a darn thing about fixing washing machines. What I do know is that a repairman is $60.00 an hour and a new unit is $700.00. It was cheaper to just type into Google Search what the symptoms of the sickly washer was....and presto! In a matter of minutes of reading and a quick visit to U-Tube........I was able to fix our washer.

 If you are starting out on building a farm....you will quickly learn that you cannot call in a tradesman every time there is a issue to be repair or replace. Your operating cost will go through the ceiling. I have used the web from understanding how to construct a drip tape system to how to install orchards. Asking your neighbors for advise or help is a great way to get things done too....just make sure that you are there to return the favor when the time comes.  Give it a try and save yourself a big buck.

 I became the Maytag Man ....and avoided that trip to Laundromat Hell :-)