Monday, April 29, 2013

Ketchup fruit...........

 In a few days.... we will start planting the tomatoes. These are 8 inch starters, grown in a greenhouse. There will be tomatoes planted every three weeks from here on out. The artichokes will be planted also,  this week.
  I am afraid that the Pluots were severely damaged by the last heavy rains......the blossoms were in full effect and the pounding drops of rain knock off the white bosoms.  That's the game I suppose......and we were ready for something such as this to happen. This crop failure is a prime example why any farm should be fully diversified with their offering of crops. One crop failure will not put us in a monetary bind at all.
 The apples are coming along great. There is zero signs of the "apple blight" that hit the orchard a few years ago. The trees are back to 6-7 feet tall and have excellent growth going on. I say there's apple pie in our future!
 2000 square feet of ‘Quillota’....which is our thorn-less cactus.....was installed these past few days. The second planting will be in June.....that will add another 2000 square feet.