

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The drainage system is completed........

 The road side drainage system is done. During the Winters....the entire berry patch would fill up with the run off of the rains. Installed, were two coverts under the new driveways....and then we trenched a canal to carry that water to the nearby creek. Before you start having a heart attack that we are dumping into a virgin creek.....that's where the water eventually ended up at. You may now cancel your 911call now :-)

 Throughout the farm.....there are several "water flow" projects going on.....reshaping the lay of land.... for water drainage from the fields. These projects will allow us to access the fields weeks earlier.....for jobs assigned or crop planting.......even horse training.

 Yesterday..... the lavender was installed on that hillside you see in the picture.  Of course.....all on a newly installed drip line system. Tomorrow will be mulch day.......the area will be layered with 6 inches of the material for water retention and weed control.

 The dogs were useless today......after spending all of yesterday digging that trench for me.