Monday, May 6, 2013

The health promoting benefits of eating grapes.....

 In past research studies, scientists have vindicated the health promoting benefits of eating grapes to lower the risk of chronic diseases ranging from ......

 Oh...who cares! I just love to eat this fruit and for no other reason. Placed into the frig for an overnight stay.....the grape acquires a nice crispy  crunch to it..... though room temperature grapes do have more of a flavor. My favorite is the green variety....but we do have the purple grapes being grown here as well. 

 Grapes in hot ol' Sacramento? Oh yes! Allow the leafs to grow vigorously on the vine to promote shade to the fruit. Exactly like the Avocado tree. I seen miles of grapes down in the really hot central valley growing......many farms are using a "shade" blanket. We will need a net blanket for not to shade......but to keep those chickens away.

 Our chickens don't do the Cluck cluck. They do Yum yum.