

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Got problems with a few critters?

In the city......where we actually lived once upon a time (!).....the cats were a real nuisance. The fury little felines would come to our front yard each night to "do their thing" and then have some midnight entertainment that sounded like the Roman Coliseum lions. The neighbor down the street had 19  stray cats that she was feeding ......need I say more?

The final solution was expensive....but well worth the money spent. It is a water spraying animal repellant named "Scarecrow"..... manufactured by Contect Inc.  It has a motion sensor connected to a rain bird sprinkler ....and it scares the living hell out of animals and humans! Cost about $49.00

My advice is to read the instructions before you turn on the water. I had it backwards and promptly drenched myself three times.

So why is this post about how to drench the neighbor's 19 freaking cats? I use two of these here at the farm..... to keep the chickens away from the front lawn. Yes.....a hundred chickens will act like a 100 vegetarian Triceratops on the lawn. Chickens will devour a average size lawn in about a week. The Scarecrow also keeps the dogs off the lawn too.....no poopy they do there!

This unit has worked extremely well towards door knockers too......