

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hell is returning to the Sacramento valley.............

We've been very busy here at the farm. That news comes later......

The real news is that the weather is absolutely ludicrous this year. Since the beginning of the year.....there has been wind each day. Farmer Deno said each day! We never have winds such as this. Now as I write my blog here.....remember.....it is the middle of June in California.....it's raining!

What worst can happen to our weather I asked too soon. In two days from now......where is is currently 74 F........that ol' thermostat cranks up to 101F. The following 9 days will be 100F plus.

Our egg production is bound to get messed up again...so if you are a client of ours buying eggs.....be prepared for a reduction during this heat wave. That's the price we pay for having 100 % organic....100% free range chickens.................they have no air conditioning in the coops.

After all......you the reader here.....you feel like laying eggs on hot days?