

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

So that's what that thing is.......

 T- Tape or it is also called Drip Tape......is what this elongated machine makes. Drip tape is a very thin....flat....piece of plastic that has special emitters built into it. The water usage is very low......and that is great since the farm is on a ground well that requires a electrical pump.

 I had to sit down and research this watering system.....since I have never used it before. Turns out that it is the easiest application to install for crops....it's real cheap.....and the assembly parts needed to connect up and all that.....dirt cheap too. The best research tool is U-Tube. Here is a link to a video that is very helpful.......for the residential homeowner to install.


It's been two weeks now since the field was prepped with the T-Tape. It's all connected onto automatic timers for which a regular timely watering helps the crops intensely. For example............the rows of corn seed all came up just about on the same day....same for the various squash seeds. The other corn field that is not T-Tape has various growth rates of each stock. Much is to be learned this year from all of this.