

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Oh.....no no no ......that's Mom's secret recipe

You know..... pink pearl apples may be the most commonly eaten apples in the U.S. you’ve likely never heard of. That’s because most of them make their way in applesauce. They are sweet-tart......which is perfect for making pies and my favorite.....apple dumplings.

What are apple dumplings you ask?  The food of the Gods! How does Mom make them? Oh.....no no no ......that's Mom's secret recipe. I used to ask for these dumplings for my birthday desert.....or should I say .....beg for them. Labor intense to make. A flaky crust......embedded with an apple, chunk of butter, and cinnamon......all this surrounded by a cinnamon sauce.

Oh yeah baby!

I almost forgot the point of this post.....we are harvesting the pink pearl apples starting this week end. There is a limited amount of these baking apples.....that will be at out fruit stand this coming week end....and there after. These apples are free of insecticides and we do not use wax to shine them up!