Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It only took five years to this point....

At long last...........a fruit stand is born. It only took five years to get to this point of the farm operation! The Natomas Farm has finally begin to produce enough fruits and veggies to stock the stand. Starting this coming weekend....we will be offering goods.

This weekend we will have Flavor Queen pluots.....Pink Pearl squashes....the best eggs. Each week there will be something new on the tables.

Oh.....and we will have campfire wood in bundles for sale too.

All produce is picked daily. We pick for taste...not for looks. We allow slight blemishes.....we are not the local Safeway :-)

This weekend we will have chaos too :-) It never fails to have a rough opening of any business.....the real trick is you don't let your customers know how messed up you really are! I have been spending all week ordering stuff for the stand......such as paper bags, display containers......the works. All should had been done two or three weeks ago. Dont ask!

We are not going to promote this fruit stand...full blown advertisement...till next year. I will be promoting it to the local church and through the locals. This will allow me to see what issues there will be such as traffic going in and out....our dogs....their dogs......I can list a dozen issues that might crop up.

Back in the 80's and the early 90's I used to build and operate Nightclubs in Sacramento and in San Francisco. The first club that I ever opened was named "Deno's Bar and No Grill". The opening night was a freaking nightmare. What could go wrong..........did go wrong. My lesson was to do a test run first....before doing the "Grand Opening". This application will be applied to the fruit stand for the next few weeks.

This weekend ......I encourage the reader to stop by our fruit stand. Buy something so you dont look like a cheapo :-) We encourage you to bring the little kids...let them run around in the orchards.

Saturday - Sunday
Open at 7:oo a.m. till 11:oo a.m.

After 11:oo a.m - for a few hours (pending heat) is a self served honor system

Fresh picked daily.

The honor system is simple....come to the fruit stand...pick out and bag what you wish to purchase......drop you money into the safe box.

We trust you :-)