

Monday, July 15, 2013

May I tell you a secret?

A bell pepper......who the heck would know it's deepest secrets?  We all thought that we knew about about this veggie. There are red ones. There are green ones. There are.......well.......you get the idea. What else can there be to know about this crispy little green thing that resembles a bell?

I will tell you......my mother used to make stuffed bell peppers. Decapitate the top.......fill it up with a mixture of cooked hamburger, corn, rice.......a little cheese. Gods... I hated the things! I used to wait for my brother to get some more milk during dinner..........as he headed for the kitchen....my stuffed pepper guts headed for his plate :-)

What Farmer Deno really wanted to tell you in this post.....is a very interesting data find that I came across on this day. Here is the secret of bell peppers.......

Flip the bell peppers over to check their gender. The ones with four bumps are female and those with three bumps are male. The female peppers are full of seeds, but sweeter and better for eating raw and the males are better for cooking.

I am sure that tomorrow.... I will be greeting a upset brother over here :-)