Tuesday, August 6, 2013

............egg robbery?

One week I love my ladies...... aka the chickens. They follow me around and they just act like a bunch of happy go lucky clucks. Then there are those other weeks that I envision all of them inside a giant roastisire....

These ladies are sensitive to any diminutive change in their daily lives. I had done my "last" post a year ago......about this subject.....thinking that all universal knowledge of chickens had finally been embedded into my brain. "By George, I got it .....has been declared more than a few times by Farm Deno.

No freaking eggs for a week now. Well......yesterday we got one.

I received nine bales of straw or whatever it was...from a local neighbor that didn't want to feed her goats this stuff. She claims it had fox-tails (a sticky weed that embeds clothing to throats of animals) and that is not good for goats. Ever been hiking on a long trail and there are those weeds sticking to your socks....driving you absolutely insane? Foxtails.

Excellent bedding material for the ladies.....and "new". Never say the word "new" to a chicken. Sure enough.....the egg laying machines stopped dead in their tracks. It can take up to ten days for the ladies to get back to their business. Yes.....I did have to throw out all the "new".....hosed down the coops.....and left a letter of apology on their feeder.

KFC sounds real good bout now........

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