

Thursday, August 1, 2013

........free room and board

So..........I built this new home for the flies we have here at the farm. Cute little entrance....lots of living space.....and a indoor swimming pool. Gosh.....I forgot to add an exit door!

Farms has flies. That is just a fact of living out here. For a few weeks right before summer....the little flying nuances will arrive in numbers that can be overwhelming. The fly catchers sold at the local feed store......priced to be overwhelming to my wallet. Yes....there are sticky strips we do use....but those are good for limited results.

Now I experimented with this contraption above. Very simple to make....take a plastic soda bottle and cut the top 1/3 off. Turn that top upside down and place into the main body of the container, as shown above. Duct tape the two pieces together. Use a coat hanger or any wire....string....to make a loop hanger as shown.

Fill with water 3-4 inches below the cap end........then add 1/2 can of tuna. Wait for two days. The contents will become fly yummy stuff. The critters fly in.....but cant find their way out. Within a few minutes they are in the swimming pool drowning.

This works in a most excellent way!

Unless you have some very large flies.......

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