Thursday, August 1, 2013

The reason why we are not selling tomatoes..........

Three weeks ago we had a "wild" turkey show up at our farm. She made herself at home....quite comfortable I must the chicken yard. I believe that she was someone's pet that got dumped on to our farm during the middle of the night.

Before I knew it...she was following me if she was a dog. Of course this turkey has sad little eyes that stared at me......and she seemed to be communicating with her gobble gobble sounds. Yes....Farmer Deno is a sucker for that act.

While all of this is so got a little heated here last week when I discovered our hill side Ace Tomatoes were gone. This turkey cleaned out a row of tomatoes ......and she ate many of the flowers on the squash plants. It gets worst from here. She has discovered the main growing field....

Tomorrow I'll have to cook her for relocation. There is a fresh water creek down the road.....that has wild turkeys roaming. I believe in not harming or killing farm animals. Truthfully...I don't have to guts to cull them.

Our tomatoes from the lower field will be in the fruit stand in about three weeks.....big juicy ol heirlooms. The corn will be ready about the same time too.

Sorry.....we will not be selling turkey jerky.