Sunday, September 29, 2013

Is that my "man cave" that I am building?

I suppose I could build a man cave. Having the T.V. blasting with the Dolby sound......feet up on the furniture.....using that wonderful crummy sofa that should had gone off to the county dump years ago.....

Farmer Deno is really building a hothouse. Not a green house....a hothouse. This newest addition to the farm is sorely needed. It will allow me to start the produce seeds for Spring January / February.....while there is still frosty nights and cold soil out there in the field.

The hot house is also needed for performing plant propagation using stem cuttings. A requirement is constant humid conditions.....temperature as well. Cuttings are of berries, figs, and stuff like that. Once the cuttings have taken hold....then that stock will be moved out to the large greenhouse. 

What green house you might ask? The one (of several) that we start building next month. 20 x 80

Construction is a pressure treated wood frame.....using a Polyethylene film for the ceiling and walls. I also have been saving a double pane glass door for this project....a door that is from the recycle world. We like to use recycle material here at the Natomas Farm as much as possible. Total  amount of floor space is 200 sq ft. Using a double shelving method....I will have nearly 400 sq feet of working space. 

Heaters to misters will be installed. Several trees were planted four years provide shade...... to this house house during the summer months.

The floor will be wood chips. This stuff drains well.....and with the right air circulation inside the will not mold. Again.....the use of a product that is from the recycle big savings to your wallet....and to the environment.

Now.............the big question is this: how could I keep that wonderful crummy sofa dry in there :-)

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