

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I get the flu every time I work..............

Wood mulch......the farm gets truckloads of this great stuff each year. We have a tree service that drops it off....and that makes the two of the businesses very happy. Fees at the local county dump is nearly $60.00 a load to dump tree waste and other organics. Fees to buy compost is nearly two hundred dollars per load ...for the farm. So...............we both save big bucks.

The Natomas Farm receives  30 - 40 truck loads per year. Each load has firewood included...which is a prized item for us. We use the wood to heat out home...for camping trips...and to share with the family and friends.

Moving all this compost around is dreaded work. Being on a tractor for hours is hard enough.......picking out the logs is tough.....and it seems that each time I do this work.....I get the flu!

Hello mold!

Here's a quote from the national Ag Safety Database:
"Farmers account for more than 30 percent of adults disabled by respiratory illness. Yet, a large percentage of farmers are nonsmokers. If smoking is not to blame for these ailments, then what is?  The answer is farmer’s lung".

Typical Symptoms:

  • progressively increasing severe shortness of breath with any exertion
  • chronic coughing
  • physical weakness
  • occasional fever and sweating at night
  • appetite depression
  • general aches and pains
One thing to learn from this blogging of Farmer Deno's is this: don't think you know it all about farming because you have been doing it for five years! It seems that every month there is something that goes "click" to a newbie farmer. Well............this sure was a big "click"!

For you that are reading my postings and are thinking about...or is currently involved with small farming......do read this link:

The good news is that I have ordered up some N95 respirators for this wood chip mulch work......and for use when I clean the dusty chicken coops (hint hint).

The bad news is that I wont get sick for two or three days anymore.....and that means ..........no more Sci Fi Movie marathons. I just hate being well.

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