Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mr Myers or is it Mr Lisbon?

Is a lemon just a lemon? Not all all....there are many varieties of lemon. Some are sweet....the others are tart. Some are big.....and then there are smalls. Thorny branches or tree like branches.

Wow! How does one pick the right lemon to grow.....a question that was thrown at me yesterday by the Webb family..... that was here gathering mulch that the farm gives to the community for free. Yes.....I decided to do a little info post here about lemons.

Lemon trees start to bear fruits when they are in their third year. Many of them are even known to produce up to 1,500 lemons each year. Easy to grow...takes little water when established. Buy your tree or bush from a nursery...not a box store. Farmer Deno has seen way too many shrubs not being the big box stores. Yes...if the wilted shrub is will pop up again....but there has been an vast loss of the micro root system of it. Need I explain further ?

  • Eureka: The two basic types of lemons today are Eureka, which first grew in California, and Lisbon, which actually originated in Australia. The former is a large and wide-growing tree with very few twigs and branches. It produces lemon clusters during the spring and summer months.
  • Lisbon: This Australian-born lemon is known for its thick trees and various vertical and thorny branches. This lemon variety bears fruits in the summer and autumn season. Of its two varieties, the fruit of Lisbon lemon trees contains more seeds than its Californian counterpart.
  • Meyer: This lemon variety was first introduced in 1908 in China. Not a typical lemon, the fruit of this tree is used as lemon substitutes, though it is less acidic than the usual lemons. Lemons of this variety are close to typical oranges in shape, size, color of peel and pulp. Meyer trees spread wide but are small and hardly have any thorns. This variety is quite sweet in taste, less tart, and is very popular in south Texas, for which reason it is known as Valley Lemon. 
Farmer Deno likes to use the Meyer..... these lemons have sweeter juice, floral scent, less acid, and thinner peel. We have Meyer bushes lining our driveway entrance .....great landscaping shrub it is.

Now I do hope that the Webbs buy a Lemon tree/shrub make some ice cold lemonade for their young 8 'ish year old boy that was here at the farm with them......he was working mighty hard helping Dad with shoveling the mulch into containers.

I'll hire that kid any time!

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