Sunday, November 10, 2013 to be a lazy farmer

Have you any idea how long it takes to water a plot of land..... known as "a farm" ?  In the first year of being here on the farm.....I would go out Monday mornings to start hand watering all the orchards.....and not return til lunch time. Three times a week. 48 hours of my life per month. This was all before the water irrigation system got installed.

We get many visitors here at the farm. Some are city folks....the others live in the country side as we do. The question that always arises is "how do we water everything". .....being asked with frustration painted on their faces. face was once painted too.

Running irrigation on standard timers and valves requires a power source. Adding power access to a field far away......requires an investment that only Kings and Sheiks can afford. I'm just a dirt farmer here.......

Here's the solution pictured here.

This Orbit garden hose digital water timer is quick and easy to program, adjust, and run. A built-in rain delay is easily programmable, and a manual button allows instant turn on at your set minutes. With these timers..... you will never forget to switch the water on or off and..... it can all be done in the middle of the night.

Out of the many units we have installed.....only two were defective. Buy these at Home Depot....and then you can return/exchange without a hassle.

So.....since I am saving 48 hours a month of my life....I can lawn chair and drink cocktails all day long.

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