Saturday, November 2, 2013

......making jelly for the belly

I found a "green" flesh...... prickly pear..... cactus growing in the nearby neighbor's field. It is over 30 years I was told by the owner of the property. One would need a chain saw to cut this 12 foot high ol' timer is that huge.

Those pears found their way into our farm kitchen yesterday....statementing the process as I went through with a new recipe for making jelly. Very successful. The color of the jelly is that of apple juice.......25% less sugar....superior taste. It's a whole new flavor compared to our "red" interior prickly pears.

This coming week......the Natomas Farm will be harvesting cuttings from the neighbor's create a new crop here. It will be three years before we start having "green" interior prickly pears.
Contact us if you wish to have a free jar of this jelly........for have to give me your honest opinion of the jelly. The farm tests all new recipes.....and improves to the finale product.

Yeah............I am still looking for those "orange" prickly pears.

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