

Sunday, November 10, 2013

.....proud Mom showing off the kids

Here' the 6 reasons why this chicken kept escaping from the main coop area each day.

Reason six is hiding.......

No matter how cautiously I opened the coop yard gate for the morning feeding....this particular lady would always bullet her way out of there. This went on for a good while......

Then one morning she wasn't at the gate. Neither the second morning.....or third.

A few weeks later.....the chitchatting cries of young birds were coming from my storage room. Of course I went into to investigate what trespassers were in there.....and was greeted by an "fly in your face chicken". Yep.....it was that darn escaping chicken.....in there flying in my face.....profusely protecting the "kids"!

In a protective shelter that I built a while ago......completely fenced off (and overhead) yard.....from those Hawk Zero pilots that can't resist a free dinners........the young ones are happy and safe.

The father of these young ones will be hit with a paternity lawsuit.......

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