

Saturday, November 2, 2013

....the first fire of the season

It's cold! The first real cold morning of the year......and the ol' firebox got lite up a few minutes ago.

Mom dog Sparky appreciates it the most......she is 14 years old and her bones feel the aches of the coldness....just like Farmer Deno's bones. She'll lay there next to the wood heater....on her floor rug....roasting away in the heat that she loves so much.

I learned a harsh lesson a few years ago.......that lesson was to always have your split wood done before the flu season arrives. Cant be anything worst than having to split wood to warm the house....while you are coughing to death! Read and learn from this post all of you newbie farmers!

Thanks to brother Gary.......our winter's supply is readied. No more putting on my blue rabbit's slippers ....to head outside for splitting wood.

Thank you my brother.

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