

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Girl Scouts are cool!

The local chapter of the Girl Scouts decided to give the Natomas Farm their finest attention. Well behaved and most curious they were. Asked a lot of questions too.

Now with Jeanette being an teacher at the local colleges....and Farmer Deno being .....well....a farmer (!)........these girls got a lot of information about what happens on a farm. They were amazed at the story that I told....about our "super highway" here at the farm. You see.....the dry creek bed late at night and right at sunrise......acts as a highway for many animals including coyotes, rabbits and a red fox that was seen a few months back. Yes.....there is far more going on at a farm than just planting crops.

Feeding the animals is always fun for the kids that visit us. I swear that the chickens know in advance when we are bout to give a tour.....they come out of the coop with their feathers all done up cutely...... and their claws with a glimmer of a shine ..... all this because they know that the kids will be feeding them the ......"good stuff". Yes.......the kids did indeed feed them the "good stuff". What was learned that a flock of chickens are fun to be around....not feared.

Of course the horses always put on their little stage show......seeing that all the kids having carrots in hand. Our horse Big Girl..... was asked to give Farmer Deno a "hug"....and she complied. Yes......she does indeed give hugs. The kids learned that such giant animals as horses....are not to be feared. Just loved.

Farmer Deno must say that this last group of kids were just outstanding. We here at the farm....got "Thank You" letters a few weeks later.....from the troop. Now how cool was that!

Girls Sparky, Shadow, Lucky, Black and Number Four..... misses the Girl Scouts. Their tails do not wag as much since the Scouts left.

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