

Monday, December 9, 2013

All I said was..... no more Oranges

Never did I expect to sell out the Blood oranges this fast. Between selling the fruit outright to several outlets.....street side sales....and internet orders as far away as Alaska......I managed to save a few hundred pounds for a roadside test run this coming week end.

Oh....and two 20 pound bags were saved for my Granddaughter Branwyn to pick up here at the farm tomorrow. I bet she is going to give that college Professor at A.R.C. a bag of oranges....to inch up a grade :-) Such bribery!

The Natomas Farm has decided to expand the orange orchard 100%....decided late last night....after having several large wholesale transactions....and seeing the results of out latest jelly experiment....pure 100% Blood Orange Jelly. Smacking good with a bang .....it turned out to be. We will be going internet retail with our line of six Jellies next March. 

So if you are that person that waited too long to buy a bag of oranges from us (Toby).........you can find me on the Jackson Highway this coming Saturday......or check the farm's driveway.

However....all I said was..... no more Oranges..... the riot police had to be brought to our fruit stand this morning........

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