

Sunday, January 19, 2014

.....we all gathered and said good bye

With the up coming battle for the coop territory......the chickens have decided to evacuate the entire area of the Natomas Farm. The last car load left two days ago.....off to another family that will have them. Not culled  but to lay eggs at their new home.

For four months now....we have been having mega issues in the chicken business! No eggs due to what Farmer Deno believes is a squirrel infestation. These critters will take the eggs and they are scaring the chickens too. Anytime a chicken is scared....she will not lay for up to a week.

I do believe also...that there are other critters of the night that are invading the coop. A few weeks ago I trapped a rather fat cat in a cage....I am talking fat! Farmer Deno wonders just how many chickens does it take to get a skinny cat..... fat.

Up top of this battle of the coop....I found our Rooster dead a few days ago. I had forgotten to close up the chicken house and that was a mistake not to be taken lightly by me. I hate to see animals get hurt. That rooster put up a good fight towards whatever it may had been. I suspect a large skunk.......or even a coyote perhaps.

Upon selling off the entire flock......it was noted that we were missing 13 birds since last month!

Now that the coop is cleared.....farm Deno will start on eradication of the squirrels. There will be more cat traps placed......and the chicken coop will become a rather large trap itself....as Farmer Deno will rig up the joint to catch whatever large animal it is that creeps into there.

Yes....the battle commences today.

Before you readers say anything.....yes.... that chicken has insurance on the car. Don't be silly to think I would let her drive without it.

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